
Consultation – Speed Indicator Device on Joe Lane

10th of November, 2023

Introduction Catterall Parish Council purchased a new Speed Indicator Device (SPID) in 2020. The SPID displays the speed of approaching vehicles and displays a sad face to vehicles exceeding the speed limit. The SPID not only shows the speeds t...

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Winter Service Briefing - Lancashire County Council

24th of October, 2023

What is the winter service? Lancashire County Council has a legal duty to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that people can use the highways safely without being endangered by ice and snow. This means we do everything we can to keep traffi...

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Pedestrian Access to QEII Playing Field

3rd of August, 2022

A new pedestrian entrance from Garstang Road has been installed at Catterall QEII Playing Field. The Parish Council was keen to make a safer access for pedestrians who previously had to walk down the entrance to the car park to get to the playing fie...

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New MUGA at QEII Playing Field

3rd of August, 2022

Catterall Parish Council has installed a new multi use games to replace the old wooden one. This one is made of green mesh rebound 3m high fencing which should prevent the ball from being kicked out of the games area into the car park or onto the pla...

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Vacancy in the office of Parish Councillor

20th of June, 2022

Catterall Parish Council We have two vacancies for councillors on Catterall Parish Council. Can you make a difference to your community?  Catterall Parish Council is seeking residents to become a councillor.  Councillors are not em...

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